Living a Plant Based Lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult or as challenging as most people seem to think it is. Most people who choose this option want to better their overall health. And as many people are aware, diet and exercise are the two areas most frequently explored by people looking to make healthy lifestyle changes.
For many who are currently living a plant based lifestyle, the change in their diets did not occur in one immediate step. More often than not, it is a gradual change that happens over time. Living a plant based lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult if you give yourself time to adjust slowly.
To begin living a plant based lifestyle, making small conscious choices are often the easiest. For example, preparing your own meals will give you much greater control over the fuel you are putting into your body. Living a Plant Based Lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult when you begin by cutting out drive-thrus, take-out meals, and heavily processed frozen foods.
Living A Plant Based Lifestyle Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult
Many nutritionists and dieticians advocate preparing your meals at home with the freshest whole ingredients available. Yes, it may take you more time, but if you make enough to have left-overs the next night or a few take-to-work lunches, it will be time well spent.
It will also likely save you money as the average working person spends $12 on lunch every day if they have not brought something from home. That’s $60 a week of potential savings. Over one year, those savings could add up to about $3000. Now that is some serious food for thought!
Living a plant based lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you start by focusing on your favorite meals that are already meat-free. Think about a comfy bowl of creamy macaroni and cheese. Or the wonderful smells in your kitchen when you make a big pot of vegetable soup. And, of course, salads offer so many different varieties and are east go-to meals.
Living A Plant Based Lifestyle Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult
One easy way to plan for success when switching to a plant based lifestyle is to make sure you have plenty of healthy options at your fingertips. Meal planning is one of the critical components that can support success, and having the right ingredients in your pantry and refrigerator will make it easier for you to stay on goal.
One easy way to always have nutritious options is to grow your microgreens. Peas, sunflowers, mung beans, and many other options can be grown soilless and indoors with minimal effort. Simple soak overnight and then place them on a sunny window sill. They will grow easily in mason jars with sprouting lids, sprouting trays, or any vessel that allows drainage.
The seeds or grain will need rinsing at least two to three times a day before the seedlings appear and then sprayed with water as they begin and continue to grow. Most popular microgreens take less than two weeks to be ready to eat, and some, like peas, can be cut and regrown at least twice before they become bitter. Starting a new tray each week for several weeks can assure a steady supply and a nice variety for use in soups, stews, salads, sandwiches, or as a simple snack.
Living a plant based lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require some commitment. Protein is an essential part of everyone’s diet, so non-meat protein options should also be a priority in your pantry. Many people first turn to beans and lentils as they are high in protein and easily accessible. Choosing to soak and rinse lentils for a day or two will help them sprout just a little and make it easier for your digestive system to absorb all their nutrients.
Dairy is another excellent source of protein. Eggs, cheese, and cottage cheese are easy ingredients that people seeking to live a plant based lifestyle can transform into a wide variety of dishes. So, in the end, living a plant based lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult. There is plenty of information and recipes on the internet to help make the transition easier. Doing your research and speaking with your health provider is always recommended before making any changes to your diet.
Read more: How to Live a Healthy Plant Based Lifestyle
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